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Gibran's Portofolio

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Who Am I???

Mahasiswa jurusan Televisi dan Film di Universitas Jember dengan pengalaman dalam penyutradaraan, editing, sinematografi, serta desain 3D dan motion graphic. Berpengalaman memproduksi film pendek untuk tugas akademik dan kompetisi.

My Film Portfolio

Fiction & Documentary


2023 - Romance/Comedy

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2023 - Thriller/Drama

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Hobi Tanpa Wadah

2023 - Documentary

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2024 - Drama

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Animasi full 3D pertama kali seumur hidupku


Teropong: Kesehatan

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Talkshow tentang​ kesehatan mental bagi remaja

"Every frame tells a story, every cut reveals a twist, and every visual breathes life into imagination."

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Mohammad Gibran Firdausy Erfan, is a passionate storyteller and a student at Universitas Jember majoring in Television and Film. With a deep interest in action and thriller genres, Gibran strives to craft fresh and unique narratives that captivate audiences. Inspired by the cinematographic style of YouTuber Chandraliow and the plot-twisting genius of Martin Scorsese, he combines visual flair with unexpected storytelling. His achievements include directing and editing Manas, a short thriller film that earned an A grade despite tight deadlines, and contributing 3D and motion graphics to Kapusan, showcasing his technical prowess. Gibran also created a fully 3D trailer for the LITERMAFISI XI event, underlining his expertise in visual effects using Blender and After Effects. Known for his resilience and creativity, he embraces challenges and continuously pushes his boundaries. In his personal life, Gibran values strong relationships and is currently in a romantic relationship. With his dedication to originality and innovation, he aims to make a lasting impact in the world of filmmaking.

You can reach me by emailing, calling +62 851-8478-8742, WhatsApp me +62 819-0900-3835, or using the live chat on my website.